The water element is a fascinating healing partner. In addition to its life-giving properties that no human, animal, or plant can live without for more than a few days – and the fact that all sentient life is made up mostly of water – Water can take on the properties of that which it energetically comes into contact with.

For example, many naturopathic practitioners are creating vibropathic remedies for common ailments. This is the art of infusing the vibrational qualities of an antidote into liquids, most often water. Vibropathics are vibrational formulas which are made without the dilution process that creates homeopathics. The chosen liquid of the formulas is charged with an energy that acts as a counter-vibration to pathogens.
If you’ve read “Hidden Messages in Water” by Masaru Emoto, then you’re familiar with his experiments with language and music’s effect on water. He’d expose water samples to words like “thank you,” “love,” “peace,” etc. and then quickly freeze the water, which would result in beautiful crystal-like structures. Then he exposed additional water samples to words like “shut up” and “hate” before similarly freezing the water. Those frozen structures looked distorted and broken.
Similar experiments have been conducted on plants who either thrive or die based on positive or negative words spoken to them. My hunch is, the water within the plant is what is reacting to the energy of the words. (I haven’t found this hunch verified by science – yet!)
Veda Austin, who learned directly from Emoto during his life, continued his work. She’s exposed water samples to various pictures and then, using her freezing method based on Emoto’s work, would take pictures of the resulting images frozen in the water. The water took on the same shape as the picture.
She further experimented with projecting certain emotions onto water, both purposefully and accidentally. For example, she’d feel into the emotion of love while standing near the water sample and the resulting frozen image would be of a heart. She once consoled a friend, who was navigating the grief journey of a dearly departed loved one, who happened to be holding a glass of drinking water. Veda was inspired to take some of the water from the glass and freeze it. The resulting shape was a broken heart.
Once, she asked a water sample point blank, “Can you see me?” and then froze it. When she removed it to examine the image, there were distinct eyeball shapes replete with irises. There are hundreds of more examples you can see for yourself on her Instagram page.
In many ancient wisdom traditions that utilize plant medicine, there’s a common practice of speaking intentions into the plant medicine before consuming it.
I know many intuitives who likewise suggest speaking loving words, affirmations, or a request for the water to take on a medicinal property for a particular ailment before drinking any water they consume. I invite you to try this yourself!
I also once heard a man suggest placing a glass of water on your nightstand before bed and then asking the water to remember your dreams and save the wisdom and knowledge for you. Upon waking, he suggested drinking the water to bring the subconscious messages into conscious awareness. Something else to play with if you’re curious!
All this to say, if we get anything out of this knowledge, we can partner with water in a more mindful and intentional way. Recognizing water’s infinite potential to support us, we can begin to revere this wise and precious element in new and loving ways. Maybe then we’ll treat her with more respect and honor the many bodies of water on this planet we engage with...and rely on for life!